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Open images folder and annotations folder
- You can drag & drop each images folder and annotations folder to the open table.
- “Label format” is to change the label format to read/write in the PASCAL VOC xml format or YOLO text format.
- “Sort images” is to sort images by Alphabetic, Numeric, and Last modified.
- “Read images folder recursively” is to open an images folder which includes sub-folders recursively, the same sub-folders are structured in the annotations folder.
- After opening images, we recommend to use File menu -> Remove EXIF orientation flags.
- Image file names which include “_pixels” or “_depth” are skipped.
- To copy the current image file name, click on the image file name shown at the top-left corner.
├── images
│ ├── 0.jpg
│ └── 1.jpg
└── annotations
├── 0.xml or 0.txt
└── 1.xml or 1.txt
Once opened images and annotations folders, from the second launch, you can use command line arguments to RectLabel which image files should be opened.
open -a RectLabel --args -images 000000000872.jpg,000000010363.jpg
open -a RectLabel\ Pro --args -images 000000000872.jpg,000000010363.jpg
Open a folder which includes a yaml file
You can open the exported YOLOv5/YOLOv8/YOLO11 folder.
└── exported_folder
├── data.yaml
├── train
│ ├── images
│ └── labels
├── valid
│ ├── images
│ └── labels
└── test
├── images
└── labels
Convert video to image frames
- For “Video file”, open a video file.
- For “Output folder”, open a folder to save the image frames.
- For “Image size”, both width and height would be less than or equal to the size.
- For “Frames per second”, to reduce the number of frames to be exported.
- For “Frame suffix”, you can select “frame1” or “frame001”.
Remove EXIF orientation flags
- On RectLabel, according to the Exif orientation flags, each image is rotated and shown in the front orientation.
- You can remove the EXIF orientation flags from images and convert images to the front orientation.
- If necessary, you can rotate the image using Edit menu -> Rotate the image right/left.
Resize images
- You can resize images and annotations.
- For “Image size”, both width and height would be less than or equal to the size.
- If “Image size” is empty, images are not resized but annotations are resized to the same size as images.
Next image and Prev image
- To show the next image, press the right arrow key.
- To show the previous image, press the left arrow key.
- Pressing the command key, the step size becomes 10.
- You can use Trackpad gestures and Magic Mouse gestures.
Jump to image number
You can specify the image number to show.
Copy/Move/Delete images
- You can move/copy all images or random fraction of total to another folder.
- Using Edit menu -> Search images, you can move/copy searched images to another folder.
- Deleted images and annotations are moved to the app folder.
The annotation file is saved as {image_file_name}.xml in the PASCAL VOC xml format or {image_file_name}.txt in the YOLO text format.
Close folder
You can close current images and annotations folders.