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Load Core ML model
Auto labeling
Auto label images using the loaded Core ML model.
- You can change the confidence threshold.
- if the model does not include the non-maximum suppression, you can change the overlap threshold.
View menu.
- “Show labels on boxes” to show confidences on boxes.
Settings menus.
- “Skip backup dialog when overwrite” is to skip the backup dialog when overwrite.
- “Clear existing labels when auto label all images” is to clear existing labels when auto label all images.
- “Save confidence values when YOLO format” is to save confidence values when YOLO format.

Auto text recognition for lines and words
Using Vision Framework, automatic text recognition is performed.
- You can change the language.
- You can change the type to lines or words.

Toggle auto process
You can auto label when change the image if you check on the “Auto process” checkbox on the Core ML dialog.
Search incorrectly predicted images
Show training images which predicted labels and boxes are incorrect compared with the current annotations. Such as “Not detected”, “Not classified”, and “Falsely detected”.